Email Address:

Telephone Number: 0161 785 5082

Registered Office:
Cranmer Education Trust
c/o The Blue Coat School
Egerton Street,
Oldham, OL1 3SQ

Incorporated:  29/6/2011

Commenced Operations: 1/8/2011 – Blue Coat School conversion to an Academy

Change of Name: 1/5/2015 – from The Blue Coat School to Cranmer Education Trust on conversion of the company to a Multi Academy Trust

Company Registration Number: 07687709

Company Status: Company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity

Members Liability: 
Each member of the Trust undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Trust in the event of it being wound up while they are a member or within one year after they cease to be a member, such amount as required but not exceeding £10, for the debts and liabilities contracted before they ceased to be a member.

Primary documents of the Trust:
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Master Funding Agreement
Supplemental Funding Agreement – Mayfield Primary School
Supplemental Funding Agreement – East Crompton St George’s CE Primary School
Supplemental Funding Agreement – The Blue Coat School

Supplemental Funding Agreement – St Anne’s CE Academy
Supplemental Funding Agreement – The Brian Clarke CE Academy 
Supplemental Funding Agreement – Little Heaton CE Primary School
Supplemental Funding Agreement – St John’s Thornham CE Primary School

Supplemental Funding Agreement – St Matthews Primary School

Company Financial Statements:

Financial Statements 2023-24
Financial Statements 2022-23
Financial Statements 2021-22 
Financial Statements 2020-21

Financial Declaration – Higher Paid Staff:
The trust declares the number of employees whose employee benefits (excluding employer pension costs and national insurance) exceeded £60,000:

                                               2024                       2023
                                            Number                 Number

£60,001 – £70,000                    17                                10
£70,001 – £80,000                     7                                  7
£80,001 – £90,000                     5                                  –
£90,001 – £100,000                   –                                   2
£100,001 – £110,000                   1                                   1
£110,001 – £120,000                    1                                  1
£120,001 – £130,000                   1                                  1
£130,001 – £140,000                   1                                  –

The Cranmer Education Trust
The Blue Coat School
Mayfield Primary School
East Crompton St George’s CE Primary School
St Anne’s Church of England Academy
The Brian Clarke CE Academy
Little Heaton CE Primary School
St John’s Thornham CE Primary

Gender Pay Gap Report: 

Please click here for the trust’s latest Gender Pay Report. 



Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School,
Egerton Street, Oldham

Call us on:

0161 785 5082

Email us:

Connect with us on our social channels.

Sign up for insights and updates from the Trust.